Absence due to Illness, Holiday and Leave

Employers must manage employees' absence. This applies, for example, in connection with holidays or illness and in connection with childbirth, and it is therefore an important issue for employers.

The rules of the Danish Holidays with Pay Act are complex and are also regulated by legal practice. We offer ongoing advice on the difficult rules, including the rules for notification of holiday, holiday during notice periods, compensatory holiday in the event of illness during holiday and the calculation of holiday pay.

Additional days of holiday (feriefridage) are not regulated by the Danish Holidays with Pay Act, and any additional days of holiday that are not covered by a collective agreement must therefore be regulated separately in the company's internal rules, for example in the company's staff manual. 

Unpredictable absence due to illness often causes employers both operational and legal problems. It can be difficult for employers to know which guidelines to follow, for example in connection with their dialogue with employees during periods of absence, in connection with periods of partial absence and termination of employment as a result of illness. The same applies in connection with maternity/paternity and parental leave etc.

Based on our extensive experience in advising on these aspects of employment law, we have the necessary insight into all applicable rules as well as legal practice.