
Many contracts are drawn up with arbitration clauses from the outset. In other cases, the parties may prefer for their dispute not to become publicly known, in which case arbitration is an alternative means of settling a dispute as only the parties have access to the arbitration tribunal, and the arbitral award is generally not made public.

An arbitral award cannot be appealed against, for which reason the process is often perceived as being both fast and efficient. This flexible and, in some cases, resource-efficient process is worth considering as a way of having a case decided through an independent, professional, effective judicial process.

Given the non-appealability of arbitral awards, it is, however, essential for the arbitration tribunal to be composed of the right members. Our many years of experience in conducting arbitration cases enable us to plan cases in the most professional, resource-efficient manner.

We regularly assess the possible outcomes and carefully consider the strengths and risks of a case.

We assist you with:

  • Initial review of the facts of the case and legal assessment
  • Deciding on the right strategy in cooperation with you
  • Ongoing assessment of the strategy, any necessary adjustments or alternative solutions
  • Ensuring the right composition of the arbitration tribunal
  • Thorough preparation and conduct of arbitration proceedings