Acting as Chair at General Meetings

A whole range of questions may arise in connection with general meetings. We often act as chairs at general meetings, or as advisers to management or to shareholders.

In companies with a large circle of owners, it is particularly important to ensure that the proper procedure for general meetings is followed. This includes the calling of meetings, rules on notice, motions received, topics to be voted on, voting methods etc.

Based on our long-standing experience as chairs of general meetings, we ensure that all procedures are followed. We ensure that the meeting is announced in due time, and that the motions to be voted on are worded in sufficient detail. We also handle any questions received, deadlines for registering the names of shareholders and registrations for the meeting.

General meetings are often prepared at one or more meetings between the chair and the company management.

At the general meeting itself, we act as chair, and ensure compliance with all statutory requirements. If there are several alternative motions to be voted on, we ensure that votes are cast in the right order. Our ambition is to ensure that those attending the general meeting feel they have been heard, but also to ensure that no participants are paid a disproportionate degree of attention.

Sometimes shareholders decide to attend with an attorney or have us attend on their behalf. In both cases, we advise shareholders on the various ways in which they can have their views heard and exercise influence on the decision-making process.